Would You Like to Know About Me?


Amber Rose

I grew up in rural Wyoming. The pace of life was a bit too boring for a young woman, so after graduating high school and two years of college, I decided to move to the Pacific Northwest.

The temperate climate and constant rains made everything lush and green, a far different clime from the one where I was raised. Unlike the bulk of the population, I quickly came to appreciate the rain. To this day, I prefer rainy days to sunny ones. I am the only person I know who prefers rain!

My first “adult” job came in the form of a local credit union. I had never worked for a financial institution, and this turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I became a lender, and I loved working with people to help meet their goals and make their dreams come true. I learned a great deal, and my acumen helped me purchase my first home in 2016.

In late 2021, I made a decision I never thought I would make. My parents, who had offered many times to build a house for me on their side four acres, asked me again if I would consider. I surprised them by saying yes. I sold my condo for a tidy profit, quit my job, and moved back home to become a full-time writer.

I elected to publish my first and only work of nonfiction to encapsulate everything I’d learned and compile it for the average consumer. My true loves are epic fantasy and science fiction, and I fully intend to foray into the world of writing fiction.

My favorite color is pink. My favorite animals are orcas, cats, and horses. My hobbies include reading, cooking, baking, gaming, gardening, and crafty things. Oh, and I love flowers. Want to know more random facts? Check out my blog.